



Currently, the world is experiencing an epidemic of an infectious disease called corona-virus or COVID-19. COVID-19 is caused by acute respiratory syndrome 2 (SARS-COV-2) and is part of a large corona-virus (CoV) family.

Corona-virus is transmitted from animals to humans, this type of corona-virus is said to have originated in a fish market in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of December 2019. The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to flu symptoms; infected people are often sick. fever, cough and shortness of breath. However, infections can lead to pneumonia, multiple organ failure, acute respiratory symptoms, and even death in severe cases. Elderly people with chronic illnesses are responsible for most deaths from COVID-19.

On December 31, 2019, China notified WHO of several flu cases in Wuhan. On January 5, 2020, the WHO recommended travel restrictions not to spread globally. Similarly, on January 7, 2020, the virus was identified as CORONA-VIRUS 2019-nCoV. January 11, 2020 was the day the first corona-virus death was reported. WHO and UN set up their first RSI corona-virus meeting on January 22, 2020.

WHO is working 24/7 to analyze data, provide advice, coordinate with partners, help countries organize, add resources and manage expert networks. The outbreak was declared the International Health Interest Case (USPPI) on January 30, 2020. The international community requested $ 675 million to protect states with weakened health systems as part of the SPRP Emergency Response and Response Plan, published February 3, 2020. Immediately after the creation of its SPRP, the WHO called for the implementation of a UN Disaster Management Policy to establish a crisis management team.

 WHO outlined eight pillars in response planning: coordination, planning and response at the national level, risk communication and community engagement, monitoring, immediate response and case management; admission, national laboratory, infection control and control, case management. and support and equipment.

As of March 30, 2020, there were cases of disease in approximately 199 countries or territories on 6 continents. China was previously the country most affected by the disease, but America and Italy now have 19 more COVID-19 cases than China, while Italy and Spain recorded the highest deaths. At the time, there were a total of 723,319 COVID-19 cases worldwide, including 142,735 in the United States and 81,470 in China. 

Each European country reported on one case in Italy, the worst affected, the first European country to arrest all residents, block travel, nearby schools and nearby public spaces and cancel public events.Spain, Germany and France accounted for most of the cases in Europe, including Italy. 

These and many other countries have also closed schools, canceled public gatherings, closed borders and encouraged people to work from home. Measures to reduce public meetings have increased sharply in recent days, with the UK mandating the closure of bars, bars and cafes, with Germany banning public meetings for more than two people.

Although America has banned travel to America for all visitors from Europe for 30 days, beginning March 13, in an effort to prevent infection from abroad, the United States now has the highest number of 19 COVID-19 cases in any country. the world. Each state of the United States reported at least one COVID-19 case, and the state of New York represented the highest number of cases.

 The virus outbreak is now on the minds of many Americans, who dominate the media and politics. Survey data show that concerns about the COVID-19 epidemic are on the rise in the United States, with 32% of American adults in January expressing concern about the epidemic and the number increasing to 40% on March 16. By March 17, the total 489 schools or school districts in the United States were closed following the epidemic. 

Many American states have already introduced similar closures to those used in the worst affected European countries. Connecticut, New Jersey, Illinois, California and New York are among the states that shut down jobs and forced residents to stay home, away from buying essential supplies. Even before such suspensions began, however, many American adults said they would still be less likely to attend public events if COVID-19 spread to their community. As of March 30, 2020, there were a total of 33,993 viral deaths, with Italy registering the highest number of deaths among all countries in the world, followed by Spain and China. 

On March 6, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that the COVID-19 mortality rate is between 3 and 4%, although the actual death rate is difficult to determine at present. However, this rate is higher than that of seasonal flu, usually less than 0.1%, but lower than the rates of other recent viral diseases.

Currently, several organizations around the world are working on COVID-19 coverage, but it's hard to say how long it will take to make it available to the public. Until then, the World Health Organization (WHO) urged people living in infected areas to take basic precautions, such as regular washing their hands, covering their mouth and nose and stooped elbows. when coughing and sneezing, and avoid contact with people who may be infected.

In addition to the obvious impact on human health, the virus epidemic also had an impact on international trade, international travel, national and international politics, and was characterized by misinformation and xenophobia and xenophobia. and other Asian nations. A growing percentage of people worldwide believe that COVID-19 is a threat to their country, and a large percentage of people fear that the epidemic will affect them financially. 

The impact of the catastrophe on the global economy has already begun to manifest, as more flights and flights have been canceled, sports links have been postponed and movie release dates have been postponed. However, the real impact of the tragedy remains to be seen as the number of cases continues to rise worldwide.

Rtr. Sadia Tariq
Rotaract Club of Karachi Innovators
RID 3271

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