

I’m not cursed

Isolation is not a curse.
Isolation is not a curse.

The eagle is the strongest of birds. Its lifespan is about 70 years. But when the bird reaches 40, it can be a challenge. If it wins, it will be reborn. When the eagle eats a prey at 40 years of age, its unit will become dull. The claws that prey on will be lost. The feathers that support it will be enlarged. Thus, the strength of the eagle diminishes and grows old. In this case, the eagle will begin to separate.

Going to the summit of the jungle mountain for solitude, it will go there, and wring its wings and nails through its unit. Then its unit will be rolled up in the rock. This causes the whole body to bleed with chronic pain. It would then be transformed into the size of a newborn eagle.

Eyes and insects live in the shelf of individual rocks and can survive. Thus, after three months of isolating itself, it will live and thrive.  In the fourth month, its wings are stretched, claws and spikes grow, and a young bird flies back into the blue sky. For the next thirty years, it will roam the sky.

With three months of isolation, the eagle creates a new 30-year period for itself. Here's a lesson from the life of the eagle. Isolation is the first chapter of a new life. Even if it starts with pain, it will lead to a wonderful new life. It is only possible for the inventor of new ways of thinking, not of pain in isolation.

So, we should consider this as a blessing that we are going to share the isolation stories of us, the family time we spend, to our youngest ones, once we will be growing older, this time shall pass, memories stays forever

Isolation is not a curse.

Author:Rtr PP Rangeesh 
Rotaract Club of Patna City 
RID - 3250

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