Use your time effectively. Wish peoples are always saying this. Every second of life is essential. Unconsciously, we are learning many things in various ways. It is not necessary we were learned by books, the learning is always practical and reality base. Through the daily interaction of our life, we can learn, and it is always an ongoing process.
Now a days we are always saying that 'Never Stop Learning'. Because when you stop learning, your soul will be dead from that moment, but physically, you are alive. So, for living and
treat yourself better, you will learn many things outside of bookish knowledge.
We are sharing about online learning today. The present situation is pandemic in the world; COVID 19 teaches us to live home and spend with family.
How much will we be spending time with your family; one Week, two weeks, or a maximum of One
But the situation is not like that. It is toughed to tolerate family members
more before the lockdown time.
What should we do now?
Learning!!! We can learn online. It is regulated before the lockdown, and in this
lockdown, it is very famous. What we are learning in Online. It isn't obvious.
Author: Rtr Mahmuda Bhuiyan
Rotaract Club of Rajdhani Dhaka
RID 3281